Sister Tilewa Animashaun


 by Dcns Olatilewa Animashaun

Inner beauty can be described as the beauty that comes from within. It is the kind of beauty that is experienced through a person’s character rather than by their outward appearance. Inner beauty1 is what really defines who a person really is. It is the kind of beauty that radiates from the inside to the outside world. Being beautiful goes beyond our physical appearance even though we see the physical appearance first before we get to know and ‘meet’ the character of the person. Many express their sheer disappointment when in the course of time, they get to know that this beautiful lady or handsome man has no beauty or handsomeness in character. S/he is loud, uncultured in manners and unrefined in speech!

A lot of people spend time and resources taking care of their outward appearance; some even undertake plastic surgeries to make themselves look more beautiful, some spend long hours in salons and spa trying to make themselves; good looking; but Pro 31:30 says ‘Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised’. It is what is on the inside that brings out the beauty on the outside, not necessarily all the extreme measures some of us take sometimes that can even damage our bodies. Whilst, it is good to ensure that our outward appearance is not repulsive to other people in that we present ourselves as dignified individuals; we ought to pay more attention to our inner beauty. Our outward beauty generally is a reflection of what is going on; on the inside. A person can be beautiful outwardly but lack inner beauty which reflects being kind, caring, honest and hospitable.

The Bible in 1 Peter 3:3-4 says Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

This does not mean that we should not take care of our outward appearance like weaving our hair or wearing nice clothes, shoes and jewellery but everything should be done in moderation. Too much of anything becomes an obsession. A child of God is a disciplined individual who is able to live a balanced life by God’s grace. We should not spend countless hours making our hair or wearing makeup or finding the perfect outfit, especially at the detriment of other spiritual activities in our lives. Some people can spend hours at the salon to cut their hair or get it made up, or spend hours with their designers just to get an outfit right; but they hardly have time to read their bibles, or pray to God or even visit to encourage a brother or sister in need. Where are your priorities, child of God?  As you take time to make sure you look good on the outside; consciously take time also to cultivate your inner beauty; build a good character such that you become a blessing to people around you. In fact, the Bible says when you do that; even unbelievers will see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.

A beautiful/ handsome child of God radiates inner glory, joy and peace that glow all over him/ her. Their glory/ joy/ peace is so infectious. Anyone that sees them know that something is different about them; you desire to have such glory, joy and peace. Children of God should be more mindful of their inner beauty.  The beauty and the body we cherish so much today will one day be old and wrinkled. Beauty from the inside does not fade because it is not a façade. Find time to cultivate your inner beauty by spending quality time in prayers, in studying the word of God and in just being a blessing to someone today.


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