As Christians, we consider fasting as a spiritual exercise. Can I use fasting for weight reduction?
The Bible makes it clear to us that some situations cannot change except through praying and fasting Matt 17:21, Mark 9:29. Fasting is not a new concept, both the Old and New Testament speak about fasting; Exo 34:28; Esther 4:16; Neh 1:4; Matt 4:2; Luke 2:37; Acts 13:2. Prophets of old such as Moses, Nehemiah, Daniel and even our Lord Jesus fasted while on earth. The bible also records a whole nation fasting in Jonah 3:5 to avert the judgment of God.
Fasting is abstaining from food, drinks, and body pleasures in order to focus on prayer and seeking God’s will. When we fast, we humbly deny the flesh of pleasures to glorify God, enhance our spirit, and go deeper in our prayer life. As Christians, fasting is recommended as a part of our spiritual growth. The Apostles in the book of Acts fasted before they made important decisions; Acts 14:23. In Isa 58: 1-8, the Bible detailed the right kind of fast that is acceptable unto God and it highlights the numerous blessings we receive when we fast accordingly.
There are many benefits of fasting: Fasting brings us into a closer union with God. While our bodies are being deprived for the purpose of drawing near to God, God has promised in return to draw near to us; James 4:8 -10. Fasting makes us more sensitive to the Holy Spirit; Acts 13:2-3. We can receive divine revelation and preparation for our earthly ministry through fasting; Matt 4:2. Fasting combined with prayer breaks satanic strongholds; Mark 9:29.Fasting can avert the judgement of God and make us receive His mercy; Jonah 3:10.You receive direction from God when you fast; Acts 13:2-3.In addition, you receive visions and revelations when you fast; Daniel 9:3; 21-23. In essence; fasting is a spiritual exercise that produces multiple blessings. One of such blessings is healing if you are sick. Excessive weight gain can lead to obesity which is life threatening. Anything that will cut short one’s life must be dealt with in the place of prayer in addition to making some life changing decisions relating to your health, diet and exercise. Isa 58: 8b says your ‘health shall spring forth speedily.’ There have been many medical cases of treating obesity where such treatments required some form of fasting or abstinence from some food, certain drinks and activities. Excessive weight gain can impact your spiritual life negatively because it can lead to depression, loss of self-worth, having suicidal thoughts, physical and spiritual sloppiness etc.
In conclusion, there are many benefits one can derive from fasting. Fasting is very effective in fighting obesity. It becomes an enduring benefit if the person can make fasting a lifestyle. Instead of eating a mountain bowl of food at every meal; consuming all the fizzy drinks on the table; snacking in between meals; 6 days in a week and then take a fast for few hours on the 7th day; you can decide to lead a fasted life by reducing the mountain bowl of food at every meal, cut off the fizzy drinks; take water instead, do few regular exercises and snack on fruits and nuts if you have to eat something in between your meals.
Be consistent in living a healthy lifestyle. Your healing shall be permanent in Jesus name.
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