HOW TO IMPROVE ON MY GIVING By Pastor Olasesi Martins

bible study

TEXT:  Luke 6:38



Giving is in the  nature of God and it is a Godly principle. In John 3:16, God gave the best gift to mankind, and as His children, we are supposed to follow in His footsteps. Giving is a commandment from God and He expects us to obey it.



Giving is an action word which means having the tendency to give; to part with or share what you have, to be generous. Giving is a choice 2 Cor 9:7. The first giving for every child of God is giving ourselves to God, 2 Cor 8:5. We can give our substance, time, prayers, talents, skills,  e.t.c. May God bless us with giving hearts that look out to be a blessing to others.




  1. ONESELF: Giving of yourself means your total commitment to God. It means being faithful in that task committed into your hands in your local assembly. Giving of yourself means your availability to serve faithfully and humbly in a group or department in your local assembly or anywhere your assistance or help is required.You can serve God with your life, time, talent/ skills and your substance. You can also give in kind; you can give a smile, a word of encouragement, you can give an opportunity to another person. In all our giving to God and others, we are encouraged to strive to give our best. Prov 15: 1, Col 3: 23
  1. TITHE: Tithe is giving 10% of our income to God. It is a commandment of God. Mal 3:10-11. When we tithe; we are putting God first in our lives. When we are able to give 10% or more of our income instead of keeping that money for ourselves, it shows that our heart is not  tied to our money and that we love God more than our money. Matt 6:24b. May God help us to be faithful in paying our tithes  in Jesus name. Paying of tithe is still as relevant today as it was in the olden days. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God for doctrine, reproof, correction  and for instruction in righteousness, 2 Tim 3: 16. You are expected to give your tithe in the place of worship/ church where you receive spiritual nourishment. Pay your tithe correctly and as when due. If we can pay our taxes correctly and in time; then; God deserves better honor.
  1. OFFERINGS: Our offering is an act of worship to God. Giving offering is an opportunity to respond in gratitude to the grace, love and mercy of God. This helps us to put our faith and trust in the Lord into action Luke 6:38, 2 Cor 9:6, Prov 3: 9-10. When we give; it is important that we do it cheerfully, not under compulsion. Our offerings make our coast to expand; it is more blessed to give. Acts 20:35
  1. GIVING TO A CHRISTIAN IN NEED: In Galatians 6:10 and 1 John 3:17; the Bible encourages us to help our fellow brothers and sisters as a demonstration of the love of God. One way by which we can demonstrate that we are children of God is by our act of kindness to fellow human beings; especially in the Kingdom. As Christians, we should not withhold good from others when it is in our power to help them. Prov 3:27.
  1. GIVING TO THE POOR AND NEEDY: When we give to the poor and needy we will not lack; Pro 28:27. We are also lending to the Lord, Pro 19:17; because the poor or the less privileged will always be in every society/ congregation. Deut 15:11, Acts 10: 1-2. Giving is a deliberate exercise and it does not have to be convenient. It is not easy to part with what you have. You need to prayerfully build this habit into your life. A man’s life consist not in the abundance of his possessions (Luk 12:15). Freely we have received, we must freely give.
  1. GIVING TO KINGDOM PROJECTS: When we give to God’s work, we are investing and when we invest in Kingdom Projects, we are laying up treasures for ourselves in Heaven. Matt 6:19-21; Eccl 11:1, Gal 6:9. As Christians, we must position ourselves as God’s treasurers for projects that bring joy to God’s heart such as rehabilitation of prisoners or street children, building hospitals/ places of worship, libraries, engaging in csr (church social responsibility) initiatives, providing support to abused women and children, orphanages and many other noble projects.
  1. GIVING TO MISSIONARIES AND GOD’S SERVANTS: God’s people should support God’s work. 3 John1:5-6, 2 Cor 8: 1-3, 2 Kings 4: 9. Evangelism or mission work is the heartbeat of God. It is the desire of God that the message of salvation is preached everywhere, all over the world before the 2nd Coming of Christ. This means all of us must make evangelism our focus. Our support to missionaries and God’s servants on mission fields should not end with praying for them, we should also respond to their financial and emotional needs as God will give us grace.


Our God is the perfect example in giving Rom 8:32, God gave us his best and He expects His children to be like Him. If truly we love Him; then we should demonstrate it through giving. Will you purpose in your heart to improve on your giving? May God honor your commitment in Jesus name.

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